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Developing Your Personal Injury Lawyer Marketing Plan

lawyer marketing planThe competition among personal injury law firms in today’s marketplace is fierce. It is no longer enough to be a skilled attorney with a high rate of successful outcomes (though this certainly helps). Every personal injury law firm that hopes to maintain and grow its business needs to develop a lawyer marketing plan.

Legal advertising is the new normal in the personal injury field. In order to compete for the potential clients, you have to reach out to injury victims where they are. Accomplishing this goal in an economical, efficient and effective manner takes a well thought out attorney marketing plan. While it will take some time and effort to develop your lawyer marketing plan, it will save you time and money in the long run and will get your phone to ring.
[h6]Elements of an Effective Lawyer Marketing Plan:[/h6]

[h6]Your attorney marketing plan is comprehensive[/h6]
A lawyer marketing plan is more than just how much money you are going to spend on legal advertising. You should spend time with your partners and staff to develop your brand image, emphasizing your strengths and what makes your personal injury law firm unique. Set attainable goals for your plan and work toward measuring and achieving them.

You should explore all avenues of legal advertising, including television commercials, Internet, pay-per-click, blogs, print ads, billboards, brochures and determine the right mix for your advertising budget. In today’s market, television and an Internet presence are the most effective means of advertising for a personal injury law firm.

[h6]Your lawyer marketing plan is up to date and flexible[/h6]
Your attorney marketing plan should be formally revisited at least once per year to make sure it is working the way you intended and that it keeps up with the rapidly changing technological advances. If an element is underperforming, consider making changes to maximize the effectiveness of the overall plan. Keep in mind that business is cyclical, and therefore you should not necessarily abandon an idea in which you have confidence just because it has underperformed in the short run. Give your ideas sufficient time to work, then reevaluate whether you have the right mix.

[h6]Your attorney marketing plan should take advantage of “free” legal advertising[/h6]
Your reputation is often your greatest selling point. Therefore, the quality of the services you provide as a personal injury law firm can win you more business. Getting the best outcome possible for your clients is paramount, as is letting them know you care about them as people. Word of mouth in every business is king; if your clients like and respect you, they will send others your way.

Other “free” forms of legal marketing include belonging to trade associations and civic groups, making free public appearances, blogging, and taking pro bono cases. Obviously, these strategies are not actually free (very little is in this day and age), but they should be a key element in your overall attorney marketing plan to enhance the reputation of your personal injury law firm.

Lawyers Group can help your attorney marketing plan succeed while taking the burden off your firm, allowing you to do what you do best: practice law. Our comprehensive, turnkey legal marketing strategies offer the lowest cost per lead in the industry.

Find out how we can help implement your lawyer marketing plan by calling 1-877-614-5678 today.